Friday, September 2, 2011

God's Love Wins! If You Reject It, You Lose: Why Hell is "Hot" and Purgatory is "Cool".

John 3:16. In this verse we can see that God extended His love to everyone, but we will only have everlasting life if we believe in Him. Love is one of His attributes, God loves because He is love: 1 John 4:8. Unfortunately, there are some people, like the new rising star called Rob Bell, who wrote a book called "love wins", that are distorting the gospel of Jesus Christ. To them, since God is love, He will never allow anybody to perish (hell), but will give everlasting life to everyone, even to the ones who refuse to believe in Him (God). So, for them, Jesus Christ wasted His life and time, since there's no faith involved in their salvation process. Bell just "dressed" the old purgatory theology (catholic belief) in new "clothes", which means, if you are not saved here, you will be saved somewhere else (purgatory), because at the end, "love wins". The problem with Bell's teaching, is that he forgets that God is love, but He is also righteous (just) and if you take the righteousness from God, He is no longer the same: Malachi 3:6. Besides, God says in Hebrews 9:27-28. This passage is clear, there's no change after death, there's no purgatory, there's no reincarnation (spiritism), after death there's only judgment and rewards (heaven and hell). So, why is hell hot? Mark 9:45. Hell is literally hot because Jesus said that its fire shall never be quenched and the purgatory is "cool" (nice) because it pleases the people who don't want to die to themselves, who don't want to acknowledge Jesus as Lord but don't want to go to hell also. Doing that, they are rejecting God's love and losing the eternal life God wants to give to them. Because God is love, He sent Jesus Christ to save us, but because He is righteous, one day all will stand before His throne for judgment, some to receive eternal life, others eternal punishment. 2 Corinthians 5:10; Matthew 25:45-46.

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