Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Ant and the Sluggard: Idling like an Idol.

Proverbs 6:6-8. The good thing about going to church since early age, was meeting people who gave their lives for the others, who considered others better than themselves, like my parents did, that's very inspiring. On the other hand, the bad thing was seeing people "idling in the name of Jesus", using all kinds of excuses to avoid working, creeping up on people's houses or using them to sponsor their idleness. In this text, King Solomon is teaching us how to work, how to be wise and hardworking as an ant. This is the best example on how Christians should act in their workplace. We must be an example of honesty, integrity and faithfulness to others in the workplace, not only when our "boss" is around, but much more when he is away, that's the way we will "reveal" Christ to the people around us. Paul speaks about it and says that there's a reward when we do it: Colossians 3:23-24. Of course, it is very hard when your boss is a despot and treats you unfairly, but we must follow Jesus Christ's example, as Peter writes: 1 Peter 2:23. Believe me, it's been over 12 years since God started teaching me about it, just now i'm assimilating, i can fully understand but practicing it, it’s still tough, it's a battle against my "self", denying myself is the only way to follow Jesus: Luke 9:23. Paul uses a very strong language when dealing with the sluggard: 2 Thessalonians 3:7-11. About idling like an idol, this is what the psalmist wrote referring to idols: Psalm 115:3-8.

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