Friday, September 2, 2011

Eleazar and His Sword: Becoming One With Your Weapon.

2 Samuel 23:9-10. Eleazar was one of David’s mighty men, who God used to show to His people what He can do through someone that is willing to fight. The men of Israel had retreated from the battle but Eleazar stood alone and fought, through him, God brought a great victory to His people. What is really interesting is that his sword became an extension of his arm, he became one with his sword. Paul calls the Word of God (Bible), the sword of the Spirit: Ephesians 6:17 ... the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Unfortunately, many times we are not prepared to fight against the devil, we don't study and meditate on God's Word and when the devil comes, we retreat just like the man of Israel. Do you remember when Jesus Christ was in the desert being tempted by the satan (Matthew 4:1)? He (Jesus) fought with the sword of the Spirit and the devil had to retreat. Like Eleazar, we must allow the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit, to be part of our lives. Psalm 119:11. How can we resist or defeat the enemy if we don't know how to fight? Worse, why will we fight if we don't think that we are in a battle? 2 Timothy 2:3-4. Unfortunately, there are many things competing for our allegiance, if we are not careful, we will be entangled with the affairs of this life and lose the abundant life Jesus Christ promised us, that will only be attained by becoming one with our weapon, the sword of the Spirit!

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