Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Spiritual Growth: From "milk" to "solid food".

1 Corinthians 3:1-2. Today, I see a huge gap, spiritually speaking, between the leaders (pastors, teachers, preachers, etc.) and the regular believer. There are three probable causes: The regular believers are receiving milk only; they are not absorbing the solid food or they are rejecting the solid food. If you pay attention to what's being preached lately, the vast majority of the preachings, are milk only, as the writer of Hebrews calls: "The first principles of the oracles of God". Then there are a few preachers who try to preach, as Paul says in Acts 20:27, but, even among those few, there are even fewer who preach, what Paul calls, Jesus Christ crucified, Galatians 3:1 (read Post "What Jesus: The Narrow Way or the Broadway?). Ok, we all know that there's different factors that contribute to our physical growth, like, genetic, nutrition, environmental conditions, among others. If we compare the physical and the spiritual growth, we can say that: Genetic: Only the ones who are born of the Spirit will grow spiritually, John 3:6; nutrition: When babies, we need milk, but after that we need solid food, Hebrews 5:12-13; environmental conditions: If we only associate with evil people and are not part of the church (body of Christ), we won't grow spiritually. God didn't call us to be a hermit, but to be a part of His church, Hebrews 10:25. So, in order to grow spiritually, first we need to be born of the Spirit; when babies, we need the pure milk, 1 Peter 2:2; then we need solid food, we need to study and meditate in the Word of God, Psalm 1:1-3.

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