Thursday, January 20, 2011

But the fruit of the Spirit is...

In the beginning of my "new life", God taught me a very important lesson, it was about the fruit of the Spirit, found in Galatians 5:22-23. As a newborn christian, I desperate desired the "pure milk", 1 Peter 2:2, so I dedicated as much time as I could to study the Bible, to pray and meditate about what I was reading. The Holy Spirit started to teaching me many lesson in ways that were easy for me to understand. Regarding the fruit of the Spirit, He showed me two grapes, one had seeds and the other had none. Then He directed me to the passage in Galatians 5 and told me that even if the fruit is ONE, the fruit of the Spirit, still it has the potential to have many seeds, love, joy, peace..., and that's the very purpose of the fruit, not just to be eaten once, but to have seeds to be thrown into the ground again. Then I remembered the passage in Luke 10:5-6. See that Jesus is telling His disciples to sow the seed of peace, if there was a fertile ground (read the parable of the sower), the seed would germinate (sprout) bringing forth fruit. See how clear Jesus is: Your peace, meaning, if the disciples didn't have peace, they wouldn't be able to give peace. Remember what Peter said to the beggar? Acts 3:6. Unfortunately, today we think words are enough (if we don't think, we act like we do), but spiritually speaking, we cannot give what we don't have, that's why we are so inefficient (there are exceptions) in our prayers, that's why we don't see the same results Jesus' Disciples saw.We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and Power Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8. See that the disciples already had the Holy Spirit dwelling in them John 20:22, but they needed the Power to be effective in their preaching, teaching, etc. The truth is: We lack God's Power! We must go back to the beginning, embrace the full teaching of Jesus Christ, then, we'll turn our world "upside down". Acts 17:6.

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