Monday, January 10, 2011


Luke 18:22. This is a very interesting story. It's about a young man who became rich (the young ruler) and his riches were the very reason for not fulfilling God's calling for his life, meeting Jesus Christ, who being rich (God), made Himself poor and became a servant man (read Philippians 2), in order to save the first one (humanity). Let me ask you a very personal question, so personal that only you and God can answer: Is there ONE THING that is or would be preventing you from fulfilling God's calling (will) for your life? You may not have the answer right now, so, meditate, pray and ask God to search your heart and reveal to it you. Of course, you have to be honest before God and consider the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 10:37-39. Well, maybe you are saying to yourself: "I don't have a calling". If you are saying that, there's only two possibilities: First: You are not part of the Body of Christ (Church); Second: You are believing in satan's lie. Paul, the apostle, compares the Church (Body of Christ) with the human body and says that we are members of the Body. Think about your body: What's your eyes "calling" (purpose, mission, job)? How about your mouth? How about your legs? Stop using your left leg for only a day and see how it goes. Because most believers don't know what "part of the Body" (member) they are (calling, gifts), the whole body is SUFFERING! For example, let's say that "you are the left leg", because you are not working (functioning), your church is a one legged body! Meaning, it is deficient, lacking, wanting, etc. Unfortunately, today's church is struggling really bad, probably for two reason: First: Believers are not taught that they must know their calling and gifts or when they are taught, they ignore it, because it will cost something and it's a lot easier to "warm up" our comfortable seats or pews. My advice to you is this: If you don't know your calling and gifts, start serving in your church (congregation), there's always something you can do, but also, find out what your calling and gifts are. Don't let the one thing prevent you from following Jesus, because, He is the way that will lead you into the Kingdom of God!

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