Thursday, March 11, 2010

Which Jesus: The Narrow Way or the Broadway?

You may be asking yourself: “I didn't know there was another Jesus?” Well, of course there are people called Jesus and others saying they are Jesus Christ reincarnated, but we know there’s only one Jesus Christ, the Son of God. If so, why asking this question? Well, let’s start with the statement made by Paul the Apostle in 1 Corinthians 1:23. Why is Paul saying they preached Christ crucified? What does it mean? Is Christ Divided? Let’s answer those questions. First, What does it mean Christ crucified? It means unconditional obedience to God. Mark 14:36Philippians 2:8; Hebrews 5:8. This was the Jesus Christ the Apostles preached: The Obedient One, the One who chose to Obey. Jesus himself started talking about the false teachers and prophets. Matthew 7:15. Paul also talks about them in Acts 20:29-30. Also in 2 Corinthians 11 Paul deals with the ones he calls “false apostles” and “deceitful workers”. From the beginning there are people preaching a different Gospel, a partial truth, a easier way to God. Today we can see it clearer than never, like the sunny day at noon time, how many preachers an teachers spread the “easier Gospel” in their shows, at the end it becomes just another show, like the Broadway shows. Do you see the analogy? The false ones preach the “broadway” and the apostles preached the “narrow way” (Jesus Christ crucified), Matthew 7:13-14. Today we can find many people offering (actually they charge for their offering) any kind of Jesus you want: The healer, the bread multiplier, the prophet (fortune teller in their case), the royal king (prosperity gospel). Again, as Paul asks in 1 Corinthians 1:13Of course Christ is not divided! So, why is so rare to hear about this Jesus Christ crucified? Jesus explains why in Matthew 7:14. Besides, today is not popular to preach a message that calls people to “die to themselves”, to “loose their life”, to “unconditionally obey God”. The problem with that “nice” message is that it leads to the ‘broad way with the wide gate”, meaning hell. I know by experience, that is extremely difficult to believe in Jesus and His disciples and obey their teachings, but, there's no other way that leads to God, but, Jesus Christ Crucified or unconditional obedience to God. I encourage you to pray about it, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what Jesus you are following, the Narrow Way or the broad way.

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