Monday, January 25, 2010

Pride vs. Humbleness.

PRIDE: A higher ordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
If we consider the First Sin ever, it wasn't the Adam's one, but lucifer's. In Isaiah 14:13-14 (read the whole chapter), we see how Pride grew in lucifer's heart. What was lucifer's sin? PRIDE! He thought he was more important or superior then he really was, and it grew to the point that he thought he could BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH. Of course he couldn't. Because of that he was cast down and from lucifer (angel of light) became satan (adversary). Now let's see the human's sin: Genesis 3:5 (read the whole chapter. Well, they thought they were more important or superior then they really were, and ate the fruit. Do you see how crafty satan was? First he put doubt in the woman's mind, then he contradicts God, then he touches the woman's heart: "you will be like God". So, IS PRIDE SIN? OF COURSE IT IS! Nowadays, the world we live in is driven by Pride. Did you ever say something like: "I'm proud of my child or I'm proud of myself". If you did, was it because you thought your child was more important than the others or yourself were superior then the others? It's very subtle, usually we don't even think about what we are saying. I don't mean that we can't be happy with our children's or with our own accomplishments, see what God the Father spoke about Jesus Christ in Matthew 3:17, but if they lead us to think that in some ways we are better than the others, that's a sinful thought. James 4:6.
HUMBLENESS: Not proud or arrogant, modest, meek, unpretentious, inferior, low.
Paul wrote: Philippians 2:5-8. We can see clearly the difference between Jesus Christ and satan: satan exalted himself, Jesus Christ humbled himself, satan thought he could be superior than he was, Jesus Christ being God made himself inferior (lower) than he really was. Did you understand what Paul said? Let this mind (attitude) be in you! How tough is that? Today it's not cool to be humble; we're bombarded with suggestion that we have to be the best, to conquer, to excel, to win. Unfortunately, there are a lot of false teachings that lead us to think that what was true for Jesus Christ is not true for us, by that I mean, Jesus had to be humble but we don't have to be, after all, we are gods. Does it sound strange? Does it really? Don't you think you are god? Well, if it sounds strange to you, check out what Joyce Meyer preaches, well, pray before watching, because she's is very subtle.

In her theory she says: If a cattle have another cattle they call it cattle kind, if a human have another human they call it human kind, If we are created in God's image then we are gods, think about this: Adam was created in God's image. Was Adam god? Wasn't "to be like God" Adam's Sin? Mrs. Meyer even says that she "feels good about this". She uses John 10:34-35. Pay attention to Jesus' emphasis on "to whom the word of God came", what all those who the word of God came had in common? All of them had the Holy Spirit! Look that Jesus is God, He could say that. So, when God, through Asaph in Psalms 82 say they are gods, He is not talking about human's Divinity at all. To me, that's just another human theory, like the evolution one. But even using the human logic it doesn't work, because Paul, in Romans 8 an Romans 9, Galatians 4:5 and Ephesians 1:5 (probably Mrs. Meyer never read that) shows how it works: WE ARE CHILDREN BY ADOPTION, OUR SONSHIP IS NOT LIKE JESUS'. Think for a second: Let's say you have a child, after a while you decide to ADOPT another child. After you finish the process, legally, your ADOPTED child will have the same rights (heritage) as your own child. Can you say that your ADOPTED child have your DNA? Of course not! We are children of God by ADOPTION, but we are NOT gods. God, The Holy Spirit lives in us. Colossians 1:27. We have to have Jesus Christ's CHARACTER, not His DIVINITY. If you're not convinced yet, read Exodus 20:3. Why God said that, if according to Mrs. Meyer, every time someone is saved, God is creating another god? Read 1 John 4:1. I'm not here advocating against Mrs. Meyer, she has a lot of good teachings, but, like I heard once: The problem is not the 95% correct, but the 5% heretic. It's like drinking a glass of milk with 95% milk and 5% poison. Test every spirit before God, including myself; I'm a spiritual being just like you.
Conclusion: Luke 14:11. 1 Peter 5:6.

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