Friday, February 18, 2011

What to do when doubt strikes.

I think satan's best weapon is doubt. From the beginning (literally), we see him using that weapon. His first "victim" was Eve: Genesis 3:1. Here is what God said to Adam: Genesis 2:16-17. See how cunning satan was, he changed just a little bit what God said (half-truth) and gave it a whole new meaning: God said that they should not eat only the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but they could eat from every other tree of the garden. Along the Bible we see satan using the same tactics over and over again, even when it's not explicit, like with John the Baptist, when asking if Jesus was the Messiah. First, John gives testimony about Jesus being the One: John 1:32-34. Then he doubts and sends his disciples to ask Jesus if He was the One: Matthew 11:2-5. What is beautiful is that Jesus didn't answer yes or no to John's question, He only quoted Isaiah 35. To me it means that Jesus was assuring John that He was the messiah but at the same time saying that John still had to believe what God told him. There are different ways that satan uses the weapon of doubt: Through people, circumstances, etc. How many times you and i were pretty sure about something and someone came and said something else and our faith (assurance) just melted down? I remember (i wrote about this) when waiting for our son (it took five years to see the promise fulfilled) that i was completely sure about the promise, and the promise was a Son (boy), when Fabiana got pregnant, people started saying that it was a girl, i kept saying: "No, it's a boy!". Until one day, when one's the most godly friends i have asked this question: "Are you sure God was specific or generic when He spoke about the child?" Like: Didn't God say it was a child instead of a Son? That question struck me so bad that my faith was shaken. Then i started praying like crazy, asking if what i had was faith or only a "deep desire" to have a Son. Couple days latter the Holy Spirit said: "What I said, I said". After that i was ok, but God taught me a great lesson: Make sure that you are hearing God's voice and whatever He says, that's what you have to believe. So, what to do when doubt strike? Keep believing! Just like Jesus Christ told Martha: John 11:40.

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