Friday, August 19, 2011

Contentment: Is Your "Daily Bread" Enough For You?

Luke 11:3. This is part of the prayer that Jesus Christ taught His disciples, to ask God daily for our daily bread. It reminds me of Israel's "tour" through the desert, when God provided for them the daily "bread from heaven". It's amazing how God showed them that He was able to provide for them, daily, everything they needed (food, clothing, etc.). God even told them the amount they had to gather in order to feed their families. Of course, just like the most of us (there are few exceptions), they didn't believe and obey God's command and gathered more than they needed and it spoiled (Exodus 16:20). Contentment is something RARE in today's christianity, we are always running after something (spiritual or material), trying to gather more than we need, "filling our barns" and "emptying our souls" (Luke 12:16-21). Right now, i am learning what Paul the Apostle called, the secret of being content, and i can tell you that it is extremely hard to absorb it. The "theory" is easy to understand, but when it comes to practice it, it gets really tough. I think it's because we are born with that sense of "independence", Adam's legacy, and as we grow up, we are taught that we "must" be independent at all cost. Unfortunately, we bring that "worldly teaching" to our christianity and tell Jesus Christ that He can be our "partner" but never our "boss", that we can be His "friends" but never His "servants", otherwise we would lose our "independence". INDEPENDENCE OR DEATH! That's our motto. Probably that's why Jesus said that we must DIE to LIVE! Of course, since there's not a single living human being without a "head", it's impossible to be part of Jesus' body (real church) without His Lordship, He is the head of the church (Colossians 1:18). Why is it so hard to really trust in Jesus? Is it because we grew up singing songs like, "'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus", and that made our hearts so "callous" that we don't even think about what we are singing? don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that we should depend on other people, government, etc., i'm saying that we must learn to depend on God, He wants be our provider. That's one reason why Jesus said that if we don't become like a child we will not enter His kingdom. Now think about this: When you were 5 or 10 years old, did you worry about what you were going to eat or wear? If you did you missed the best of your childhood, the "worry free" life! About the "secret", this is what Paul wrote: Philippians 4:11-13. Do you really believe what Jesus said? Matthew 6:26. Yes you are! God loved you so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for you so that you would have eternal life.

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