2 Corinthians 1:20 For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. To corroborate this assurance, we can add other verses, like: Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? Nowadays, we can hear many people, leaders or "commoners", saying words like this: "God is telling you this or that", "God sent me to tell you this or that", "God will do this or that", etc. I remember someone told me this story (I think it was my brother-in-law): "I was in a meeting, the pastor was very excited, preaching and calling people to be healed. I (the person) had a strong toothache at that moment, so I went to receive prayer and be healed. The pastor prayed, but at the end I was still feeling the pain, nothing changed. Than the pastor said that I wasn't healed because I didn't have faith. So I answered him: 'If I had faith why would I come to receive prayer? I would have prayed and be healed!'". I know that you might be thinking about what the Bible says about faith and remembering passages that talk about people being healed by their faith, like the woman who bled for 12 years and was healed after touching Jesus' garment, Jesus said to her: "Your faith has made you well". Also when Jesus didn't perform many signs and didn't heal many people because they didn't believe Him (lack of faith). What I'm trying to say is this: "One should never say that God will heal someone else and if the person is not healed, blame this person for not having enough faith". When God says He will do something, He will do that! The assurance is not in the person's faith, but in God Himself who promised! I have already written about God's promises for me that already happened (my son, for example), but now I want to tell you about something else God promised me. When I came from Illinois (I live in the USA), my brother (Pastor) had just started a Hispanic service in our church (Georgia), he found a hispanic pastor to lead the church and asked me to help him with the worship. So we started a worship group. After a while, one Sunday the pastor invited a friend of his, a singer, to preach and sing, she is from Cuba. She was preaching and singing, at one point she stopped speaking, looked at me and told me: "God is saying that He will give you the gift of writing songs, you must believe it". That's was not unusual for me, it happened other times, people looked at me and prophesied saying that "God was telling me...". I kept that in my heart. I tried writing songs before, wrote two songs, but was sure that I didn't have that gift. Well, again, the pastor invited another musician, he played harp and guitar. He introduced himself (that was weird) by saying that he had no clue what he was doing there, since he was an "acclaimed musician" and only played for "princes, kings, presidents and high authorities". He was doing his thing, when suddenly he stopped, looked at me, point to me and said: "God is telling you that He will give you the gift of writing songs, you will compose beautiful melodies. You must believe this because God will do it". I believed it because I heard the same thing before. Well, time passed, nothing happened, until I got injured in my job. Long story short, I hurt my knee (meniscus) and was out of work, from my couch to my bed for 3 months. This was the hardest time in my life. I Cried my heart out. No money for the surgery, sometimes just enough money for the basic things, just a hard time. But God told me He was going to reveal Himself as my Provider. God is good and faithful. We didn't lack anything during this time. God provided for the surgery, medication and all our needs. One day I was crying before God and heard clearly the Holy Spirit saying to me: "Get your Bible and your guitar". I barely did, I became an "one legged person"! So I opened my Bible, got the guitar and wrote a song. Next day these same happened. For a few days it happened just like that. Up to this day, I wrote about 30 songs in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Well, for a few years I tried to release those songs. Showed to different people, tried well-known artist, but without any success. Even already written a post called The Purpose, the Time and the Way", I still didn't fully realized what it says in Ecclesiastes 8:6 For there is a right time and way for every purpose. God already had prepared a time and way to release those songs. Few years ago I met a guy, Junior Amaral, here in Georgia, a friend introduced him and told me he was a song producer. I saw Junior once and never saw him again. I contacted him October 2019 but I didn't follow through. Then, in April 2020, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said that it was time to start releasing the songs and He was going to provide the means to do it, that I had to call Junior. So I did, I called him and he said things were very difficult in Portugal (where he lives), because the pandemic, the country was in a lock-down, that he and his wife were praying that God would send some help and I was an answer for their prayers. What can I tell you more than "God is amazing", "God is the provider"... So Junior started producing, arranging, playing and his wife Daniela sings some songs. Also, there's another friend , Viviane Wiederstein and her daughter, Isabela Zoe who sing some songs. God's been providing all we need to release our songs. So far, we have 10 songs released. Also, God told me very clear the day I wrote the first song, that I had to give those songs for free, He spoke very clear to me and reminded me that Bible verse, what Jesus said to His disciples: Matthew 10:8 ... Freely you have received; freely give. I know, nowadays, it's not popular to do it (it's countercultural), most things in Christianity are for sale (books, music, sermons, concerts, etc.) and you don't have to tell me about the cost to produce/release a song, book, sermon, etc., I know how hard and costly it is to do those things and I'm not judging or condemning anybody for doing it, but at the same time, I (that's personal) don't believe we, Jesus' disciples (those who are) should sell anything related to the Kingdom of God, because if you pay attention to the verse I quoted, that's a commandment! Jesus is not "suggesting" that His disciples would give it for free, He is commanding them! The same commandment applies to us, Jesus' disciples today. I grew up in the catholic church (until I was 8 or 9 years old) then my parents became evangelicals. At that time in the evangelical church, they used to say that the catholics even sold Jesus' mother. Today, the unfortunate truth, is that the evangelicals are trying to sell Jesus' father! I'm not being a fundamentalist, I'm just clarifying that God's Kingdom is not for sale! If you think that Jesus expelled the sellers, buyers and "merchandise" from the temple for no reason, you're mistaking. If you don't realize that YOU ARE THE HOUSE OF GOD and your heart is not a MARKETPLACE, you'll be in trouble when you meet Jesus! The reason there's so much buying and selling in christiany today, is because this COMMANDMENT is not taken seriously and also because most leaders don't see it as a commandment. If you disagree with me, answer this question: "How much did you pay God for the gift He gave you (whatever it is)?" If the answer is "Nothing" than this COMMANDMENT IS FOR YOU. If you paid Him anything, then this COMMANDMENT IS NOT FOR YOU. Please, pray about this. Our songs are available in all the major online stores for download and streaming. If you think that I'll profit from it, you're wrong! Our Ministry/Group is called "Boundless Love" and these are the songs released:

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