Friday, May 13, 2011

Worldliness or Secularism? The Embellishment of Sin.

It's amazing how much humanity has changed in just a few generations. What was wrong before now is acceptable, what was evil now is good, what was ugly now is pretty, etc. Some things are just a matter of taste, e.g.: You maybe think that i'm ugly, but my wife thinks that i'm handsome, her taste or perspective is different from yours and she's not "sinning" because she thinks like that. But when it comes to SIN, what's right is right, what's wrong is wrong, there's no partiality. Whatever was Sin for Abel was Sin for Jesus and it is still sin for us today, e.g.: Murder. It was sin when Cain murdered his brother Abel, it was sin when the people murdered Jesus and it's still sin today. Exodus 20:13, this commandment was given through Moses a long time after the first murder (Cain's), the law only "revealed" God's perspective about sin. Today, we're constantly led to think that good and evil can "coexist", meaning, i can be "good and evil" and still the good in me will, in some weird way, annul the evil. As in that song "Ebony and Ivory" from Paul McCartney: "We all know that people are the same where ever you go, there is good and bad in everyone, we learn to live, we learn to give each other what we need to survive, together alive". It sounds very nice, but this is what Jesus Christ said: Luke 18:19. So the concept of "there is good and bad in everyone" according to Jesus is "false", in ourselves there's only the "bad"! That's the very reason we need Jesus, the Goodness of God. Nowadays, even christian thinkers (i honestly don't know what they are thinking) are creating "nice" words to "define" or "describe" old sins, e.g.: SECULARISM. Before, it was "worldly", now it is "secular"; before it was "fornication", now it is "premarital sex"; before it was "adultery", now it is "having an affair"; before it was "he stole", now it is "he found a loophole", etc, this is what i mean by "embellishment of sin". The embellishment of sin is probably the "father" of the "lesser evil" concept, which is so prevalent in the post-modern christianism, they say that before God "you can lie to avoid being killed", doing so, they are "grading" God's morality. Is it right to do something evil in hope that some good may come of it? If it is, than Jesus Christ wasted his time and life dying on the cross, He could just accept satan’s offer and have his "own" kingdom here on earth. If you consider all the saints who were killed, they were killed because they didn't want to compromise, to deny their faith, they chose to be holy, they chose to be righteous and they chose to lose their lives to gain the eternal life. Can the lesser evil (sin) bring forth the greater good (salvation)?

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